Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Title Tag Optimization Tips For Arenamazza visters

Title tag is the most important of all the tags and has the highest on page optimization value and let me tell you that your rankings highly depend on your title tag therefore, I will advice you to use your most important keywords first in the Title tag and the less important one at the end.

Don't repeat the same title tag for multiple documents this is the biggest mistake I often see. Many of the sites are not even interested in giving a Title to their page and I come across many pages that are Titled "Untitled Document" if you are also using any similar Title then you are making a big mistake.

Example of how Title looks:

Since this tag plays a vital role in determining your site’s ranking in the search engines, title tag optimization for each page is necessary and I will highly recommend to pay a lot of attention to the words that appear in this tag and the order in which they appear. You need to develop a crisply worded title tag that includes your most relevant keyword phrases and performs the function of announcing the summary of your web page’s content.

Your title tag should be enticing and should attract people rather than filling your title tag with keywords use a title that makes some sense and is appealing to your visitors to go through and should also use some of your most important keywords and phrases.

Why is the Title Tag Important
Almost all crawler based search engines use the Title Tag to gather information about your web site. The search engines use the words or the content of the Title Tag during the ranking process to analyze the relevance of your web page.. Major search engines like Google, Yahoo, AOL, AltaVista, and AllTheWeb use your web page's Title Tag to evaluate its relevance.

Title Tag is also important to the human seekers who are seeking for your products and services in the search engines because enticing Title is what that is clicked.

How to Optimize Title Tag ?
It is better to place your service or products in short descriptive sentences in such a way that your title contains your most important keywords (60 characters is recommended) rather than placing your company/domain name. This is because most Internet users search for specific products or services, not company names. But if you strongly feel like placing your company name in your title tag, then place it at the end of this tag.

Following are some tips you need to follow to fully optimize your Title:

Use your most important keywords first in the Title tag and use less important ones after that. As an example suppose my primary keywords are: seo, seo tools, seo e-books, seo india and seo india is the most important of them all then I will use something like:

Try to target not more than 3-4 keywords in the Title Tag exceeding this limit can be seen as spam.
Make a Title Tag that talks to your targeted traffic rather than filling it with keywords, use this tag efficiently such that it appeals but still presents your important keywords. As an example:

In the above tag I used my primary keywords - search engine optimization, search engine optimization services and search engine optimization india, but still it looks enticing.

Consider using both singular and plural forms of the important words in your Title Tag. For instance, you may use both ‘service' and ‘services' while making the Title Tag. Google is still experimenting with Stemming (interchange of singular and plural terms); however, it is fluctuating in its deployment frequently.

A word of Caution : Do not overdo it.
Title Tag length: Google usually reads about 60 characters of your Title Tag. Therefore, a Title Tag of about 50-60 characters is good enough.

Avoid using the same Title Tag throughout your site. Try using a unique Title Tag for each web page and use keyword phrases that holds theme relevance to that page. You also get to leverage more keyword phrases if you individualize the Title Tag in all pages.


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