Thursday, June 28, 2012

Avoid these 10 Mistakes When Building Link For Website

Avoid these 10 Mistakes When Building Link For Website
Link, link system is an important factor in ranking a website on search engines for certain keywords. However, many webmasters have misconception about link building. Here are 10 misconceptions about how the construction of a link system to bring potential customers from search results pages of search engines.
1. Exploited to exchange links. The misuse of link exchange is outdated. However, if using a logical and natural way to limit the exchange of two-way link can be exploited.
2. More links to your site is better. Number of links is necessary but not sufficient. You need to pay attention to the link quality; focus on the factors determining the reliability of the Website.

Do not use Anchor links (text links). Archor links are more valuable to many times the link of use images or Flash JavaScripts.

4. Link farms - free link. This is one of the SEO tips that webmasters use a lot, but this procedure is not effective for some years now. Search engines easily detect and apply the sanctions measures to join the system Website link on the farm.
5. Only link to the homepage. Let the optimal structure within the Web site by linking well to other components on the page. Conversely, too many links from the home page but no link on the page in the making of the Website link is not natural and the search engines will pay attention to this.
6. Use 302 redirect. Use 301 instead of 302 Redirect. Permanent Redirect using 301 redirect will help turn the old page ranking new pages. In theory, the 301 redirect method helps keep the page rank for the new structure.
7. Do not use nofollow. Google is trying to encourage maximum Webmaster apply nofollow tags to optimize the "share rankings," and anti-spam page.
8. Website content is not valuable. Website content as rich and unique, then the more chance you have links pointing to nature.9. No content of socialization. Socialization content will help create the event, echoes the media and help bring more access to your website.
10. Buying and selling links. Be careful with the purchase link and make sure you're doing, or at least should also dabbled in buying and selling links to content related to the website of your topic.


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